What do you want for Christmas? Space Europe suggests a new book on EPIL which has just been released: "Rome I Regulation - Commentary", edited by Ulrich Magnus, Peter Mankowski, Otto Schmidt Verlag, 2017, ISBN 9783504080068, pp. 928 (https://www.otto-schmidt.de/rome-i-regulation-commentary.html). From the site of the editor: One of the great steps towards a European Private International Law and for the facilitation of transborder trade is the Rome I Regulation which europeanised the applicable law for international contracts throughout the Union (though except Denmark). This Regulation has to be applied since the end of 2009. It has moderately reformed and replaced the former Rome Convention which had already proven its practical value for over two decades as many national decisions and also judgments of the European Court of Justice evidence. It is therefore high time for a truly pan-European Commentary on the Rome I Regulation which takes account of the European nature of this instrument. This is reflected by the team of contributors that originates from all over Europe assembling first experts in their countries. The editors are Ulrich Magnus and Peter Mankowski who have already edited the well-received pan-European Commentaries on the Brussels I Regulation and the Brussels IIbis Regulation. The Commentary (in English) provides a thorough article-by-article analysis which intensely uses the rich case law and doctrine and suggests clear and practical solutions for disputed issues. It gives a comprehensive and actual account of the present state of the European international contract law. For international lawyers, practitioners as well as academics, it is an indispensable must.
Professors Alfonso-Luis Calvo Caravaca and Javier Carrascosa deal with the commentary of Articles 1 and 2 of The Rome I Regulation. We are very proud to be in the team....
The book has been reviewed by the Aldricus Blog directed by Pietro Franzina (https://aldricus.com/2016/12/27/the-rome-i-regulation-on-the-law-applicable-to-contracts-il-regolamento-roma-i-sulla-legge-applicabile-ai-contratti/)