Welcome to "Space Europe Blog". A blog that deals with the fascinating word of European private international law (= EPIL). New European Regulations, relevant case law and the most remarkable contributions of academic literature will find place on "Space Europe Blog". Feel free to comment and suggest EPIL topics. Your words are very important to "Space Europe Blog".
This is the place where everything started: Rome, the eternal city. Although strictly speaking the Romans did not have a proper PIL system, they understood that Private Law works as a set of legal rules that aims to reduce costs connected with private transactions and to assure property rights. It is not very well known yet the great legal platform that the Romans built for the private international law which was created in the Middle Ages. Indeed, the Romans suggested some of the most important PIL rules, such as "Lex Rei Sitae" and "Lex Loci Delicti Commissi". Because after all, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do"....